Low amounts of gases in your intestines are very normal. During digestion, beneficial bacteria produce gases that normally do not cause any problems. Certain factors can, however, promote the accumulation of intestinal gases, resulting in bloating. Such factors include, for example, foods that cause flatulence, fast food, stress, diseases, and certain medications.
Here are ways you can prevent bloating:
- Eat foods that are easy to digest. Foods that are fried, baked in fat, or heavily browned are usually not very digestible.
- Avoid eating foods that cause flatulence, such as cabbage and legumes.
- Take time to eat, and chew thoroughly.
- Avoid highly carbonated beverages.
- Move around; even a short walk after eating can help digestion.
- Home remedies can help too: a hot-water bottle, abdominal massages with a circular motion, caraway added to foods that cause flatulence, chamomile tea, aniseed, and fennel.
If you suffer from severe bloating, you should look for the causes together with your doctor or naturopathic doctor. Food intolerances or a delayed food allergy could also be a part of problem.
Foods as triggers for bloating?
Food intolerances, such as celiac disease, lactose intolerance, histamine intolerance, and fructose intolerance, can result in an increased accumulation of gases. However, a delayed food allergy can also cause bloating.
What should you do when food causes bloating?
You can either stop eating all “suspicious” foods or avoid the classics, milk and gluten, and replace them with suitable alternatives. You can also find out the cause if you do not want to impose unnecessary restrictions on yourself. The ImuPro test will tell you whether you have a delayed food allergy or not. ImuPro Complete tests 270 foods using only a blood sample. You will receive a list of all foods that you may eat. Even if you have to give up some foods for a while, there is always a large number of alternatives. You can find more information about delayed food allergies here and about the ImuPro testing options here.