Gastrointestinal Complaints

  • Couple Jing Xiang and Karina – Singapore

    We feel a lot better and are no longer suffering from stomach bloating, burning or pain anymore.

  • Marion B. – Germany

    "I have been suffering from migraines, swollen feet and hands and weight gain for years."

  • A. V. – Germany

    "My blood pressure had increased dramatically, I had developed chronic gastritis, suffered from feeling sick frequently, diarrhoea, colic, heartburn, mood swings and I felt tired and weak."

  • Barbara P. – Germany

    "I was permanently suffering from abdominal pain."

  • Gaby Z. – Germany

    "I have been running from doctor to doctor for very different symptoms for five years."

  • Paul A. – UK

    "I have suffered with Crohn’s Disease for over 20 years."

  • Annemarie V. – Germany

    "My colleagues tell me that I am like a different person."

  • Louise M. – France

    "I tried just everything to lose weight. Also, I was plagued for many years with constipation, headache, bloating."

  • Eberhard F. – Germany

    "I have been suffering from digestive trouble (diarrhoeas, flatulence) and several allergies and skin irritations for many years."

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